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Archival research

Archive research

I went to Torquay Museum yesterday where curator Barry Chandler had pulled out the only 2 volumes they have on British seaweeds.  These were by Mrs Amelia Griffiths who had collected and pressed the seaweeds and then stuck them in the 2 volumes of Algae Britannicae.  They had nothing on or by Charles Kingsley which was surprising and disappointing.


The volumes were leather bound and very formal in their presentation.  They are about 50cm x 40cm and about 18cm deep with oil on water pattern paper covering the insides of the covers.  There were about 178 pages in each volume.


Most of the specimens were well preserved with those in the second volume appearing better preserved than those in the first.  The specimens in the second volume had a smell of seaweed that the first didn't.
















What troubles me is that the entries were mostly from 1871 but were interspersed with 1931 entries.

the entries did not appear to be in any recognisable order - neither chronological, nor alphabetical.  There are many repetitions/ duplications.

I also noted that the examples were small.  Whereas the specimens I have collected have measured up to 1.8m long, in the museum volumes those longer than 60cm are very few.  The impression that the reader sees in the museum volumes must be that seaweeds in Torbay are small.  I did not see any examples of Wakame seaweed which has become invasive along the South West coast.  perhaps there weren't any in the mid nineteenth century?

Each page had 2 sets of pagination: one was the number of the actual book page, whereas on the sheet carrying the plants, paginations are recorded as F11101 = F11270 for volume 1 and F11271 - F11443 for volume 2.

There are also references to a catalogue: Cat. p 24 but where that catalogue is nobody knows.


Examples of the dried algae:






























I was surprised to see how well colour in the red algae had kept:

















... and how well the really thin, delicate algae survived the page-turning over the years:






















The embroidered quality of some of the specimens gave me an idea to work on: the thread-like quality of some of the seaweed paper I have made lends itself to being experimented with:





















That, together with an image of one of the sculptures of Antony Gormley, and my experiments in the metal workshop:

                                                                                    made me think about recreating an impression of algae either in a

                                                                                    physical state or in a virtual one as part of the 360D camera and                                                                                             dome effects ...Hmmm. This little beauty might go in to the fray?





Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 10.25.59.png

Enlarged section reveals that the original entry of 1871 was edited in 1931, and that this specimen was found in Ilfracombe.


I was looking at the work of Ibrahim Mahama, in particular this piece and decided to try my own:

27th October, 2022
A visit to the Digital Fabrication Lab during a coffee break in the 'mass collage' workshop, proved to be really useful.  I spoke to Noah, the technician, about my hope to get a 3D print of my seaweed hold fast.  He suggested that what I was planning would be possible.  I came out, spoke to Anya about it and about wanting to go to the marine biology department to see if I can grow some cultures from the secretions of the seaweed and photograph them. 
Since I spent a lot of time this week in Plymouth, I saw Spencer Bailey the boss of DFL, wrote him an email with photos of my hold fast & what I was planning & cc'd Anya.   This Wednesday I brought it in and asked him to let me know if he could do something with it & let me know.
Yesterday I saw his email with a screen grab of the 3D scan & I got very excited because I thought this was it!  The 3D print had been done!
No!  I have to do the printing myself but have to have an induction workshop before I can do that.
But the scan was spectacular, imo!


These are the photos of the hold fast I sent to Spencer in an email:

This is the very exciting scan Spencer sent me of my hold fast. It's exactly the amount of detail I wanted to see because I don't think I can get it from my level of skills in making a silicon moulding and Jesmonite cast.

I look forward to the workshop!!  In the meantime, I am going to try doing a moulding and a cast of it before it totally disintegrates.

I set myself an impossible task which ended in abject failure.  I could not extricate the hold fast from the resin even after cutting the sides.  I will have to try an easier part of the seaweed to mould.  For the time being, I will have to stay on the 3D printer option to make a copy of the hold fast.


Renata Buziak - Biochrome art

What is it? 

It is an image created through the Biochrome process developed to help you engage with the natural world.

What is a biochrome process? 

It is a process of image making developed by fusing organic and photographic materials over an extended period, and art-science research. A collaboration with nature.

In a video of her art form, Renata uses time-lapse video to record the decomposition of her aboriginal medicinal plant material and the emergence of all the fungi, 

17th January 2023

Zoom meeting with Stacey De Amicis from the Marine Biology lab


At last we managed to meet up on zoom! 

I outlined what I am planning to do including:

A.  Derek's dives; my cyanotypes; my scant knowledge of algae & my experiments with decomposition of oar weed.

B.  What I would like help with: photographing seaweed cells and molecules to present a different image of seaweeds.

C.  What is the slime that comes off the algae? Other algae info & suggested books.


Stacey's response:

A.  The best time for Derek to dive is in March to avoid plantain bloom brought out by the increased light & warmer seas.

B.  In Davey Building room 702 there is a microscope with a camera & I could enquire with them.

     There is also a scanning electron microscopy centre where they create electron images & I would have to ask: 

         How many scans can they do?

        Time involved?

        Can they help me with what I hoping to get out of them.


C.  The slime is alginate & it's used as a thickening agent; in food products, medicine & to keep herbivores off plants.  The algae produce it to protect itself from predators.  The alginate is what the thick bubbles are made of in the sea.

I also asked if the root-type structure, the holdfast in clumps are parasitic or symbiotic.  Neither - multiple seeds have settled on 1 place and have grown together.  the finger-like part of the holdfast are called haptera.

I asked why some oar weed have multiple heads along their thalus (stem) & it turns out that that measures their age - they produce one each year.

28th January 2023


22 interesting fact about sea weeds from



  1. Most of the world’s oxygen comes from seaweed! Researchers say that roughly 70% of the world’s oxygen is produced by sea species including phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton. In comparison, rainforests make up 28% of oxygen production, while 2% comes from other sources. Crazy, right? It’s one of many reasons to take good care of our oceans and keep them clean and healthy.

  2. There are 9 times more seaweeds in the oceans than there are plants on the land.

  3. Seaweeds reduce pollution! They absorb excess toxins, like organic chemicals and heavy metals, from the water. They also absorb carbon dioxide and turn it into seaweed biomass in a process called carbon sequestration. Seaweed grows really fast—way faster than trees—so it can suck up carbon dioxide at a phenomenal speed.

  4. There are over 12,000 species of seaweeds, all with different sizes and colors. Seaweed isn’t the name of a single plant—it is a common name for thousands of marine plants and algae. There are three main seaweed categories: red, green, and brown.

  5. Just like plants, all three types of seaweed have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a natural compound present in green plants that is responsible for their green color. Brown and red seaweeds have other pigmentation that overrides the green color of chlorophyll.

  6. Green, red, and brown seaweeds live only in salt waters. Green seaweeds can be found in shallow waters in warm, tropical climates. Brown seaweeds are much bigger than the green seaweeds and live at greater depths. Red seaweeds can grow in cold water that is either shallow or deep.

  7. All seaweeds need sunlight to survive. That’s why they usually grow mainly at the edges of oceans.

  8. Seaweed is a superfood that can fuel your body with hearty nutrients. It’s packed with potassium, iodine, vitamins, and other trace elements. We can definitely say that seaweed is the kale of the sea! It has many health benefits for marine animals and humans alike.

  9. Porphyra, a type of red seaweed, is known as nori in Japan and is one of the main ingredients in sushi. Other popular edible seaweeds include wakame and kelp, which are both brown seaweed varieties.

  10. Seaweeds have many purposes. They are used in human foods, medicine, and cosmetics, as well as in animal feeds. They also make an excellent fertilizer because they soak up micronutrients and antioxidants from clean water.

  11. Seaweed and algae aren’t exactly synonyms!
    Seaweed is a type of multicellular algae, and algae is a large and various group of species that includes photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. Algae are simple, plantlike organisms that are believed to be ancestors of modern-day land plants. Plantlike algae do not have vascular tissue and lack true roots, stems, or leaves. There are two types of algae: microalgae and macroalgae. Small microalgae are also known as phytoplankton, and large macroalgae are called seaweed. Like true plants, both phytoplankton and seaweed contain chlorophyll and are photosynthetic (meaning they use sunlight to create nutrients!).

  12. Kelp and seaweed aren’t exactly synonymous either!
    Kelp is actually a specific type of brown seaweed that grows to very big sizes. Seaweed is the general term that refers to the whole group of species.

  13. Seaweeds don’t have roots… or flowers.
    Although they look like plants, seaweeds are different because they don’t have roots or flowers. Seaweeds may seem like they have roots, but they actually just attach to something underwater. Larger seaweeds, such as kelp, have root-like “tails” called holdfasts that help them hold firmly to a rock. Only a few types of seaweed can survive free-floating in the ocean.

  14. Seaweeds play a crucial role in underwater ecosystems.
    They provide food and shelter for fish and other marine animals, like sea urchins and crustaceans. Living at the base of the food chain, they support many other life forms in aquatic communities. For instance, kelp grows in colonies and forms underwater forests, which provide shelter for various marine organisms.

  15. When fried, seaweed may taste like… bacon! And species like dulse are also said to have a yummy, bacon-like taste.

  16. In addition to being a super hearty and delicious food, seaweed is vital for the health of the skin, too. The anti-inflammatory qualities in seaweed can help treat acne, while its abundance of antioxidants act as powerful anti-agers. Many, many centuries ago, the ancient Greeks added seaweed to their warm baths to draw out toxins from the body and rejuvenate their skin. Seaweed contains many beneficial minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, and iodide, all of which can be absorbed through the skin to keep it resilient and elastic.

  17. Candles, pasta, salts, and even chocolate can be made of seaweed!

  18. Seaweeds are a complex group of organisms, and they can reproduce in a number of ways. More advanced seaweeds might release cells called zoospores that swim off, anchor themselves to a distant rock, and begin growing.

  19. Norway has vast areas along its beautiful coastline that are suitable for seaweed cultivation.

  20. Seaweeds are very independent. In scientific terms, they are “primary producers,” meaning they get energy from sunlight and necessary materials from nonliving sources. Seaweeds can be grown in the sea without the use of land, fertilizers, fresh water, pesticides, or antibiotics.

  21. Seaweed is an essential part of the multi-trophic aquaculture.

  22. There are so many ways to eat and cook seaweed! Check out the variety of recipes at Yummly, Kids Eat by Shanai, and BBC Good Food.

18th March 2023


Josiah Wedgwood (12 July 1730 – 3 January 1795), collector of shells and seaweed, had a series of desert plates in brown on pale green with seaweed and shells designs: they fit in well with my piece of extended writing.

18th March 2023

Post Script:

"In all this interconnectedness, you might see an example of an ideal world in which species are tolerant and offer each other holdfast in the current in order to survive.  Pure symbiosis."(P.59)


A reality check, however, tells me that the holdfast consists of multiple stipes because the 3 seeds, in this case, landed on the same place and not through any symbiotic (or parasitic) accommodation.   The above metaphor, however, is still valid for its poetic, idealistic and symbolic value.

I have found the message I have been looking for regarding my holdfast but which, sadly, I must dismiss as too idealistic / wishful at this moment in time: Zwamborn, M.:2020.  The seaweed collector's handbook.Profile Books. London.

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